Anomia Card Game
Think! Shout! Laugh!
Have you ever thought about the fact that our minds are positively brimming with all sorts of random information: things to eat, pop songs, websites, etc...
Normally, it's easy to give an example of a frozen food or a dog breed; but can you do it before your opponent has a chance to blurt out their answer? Who knows! Pay attention, it could be your turn at any time!
To play, draw and reveal a card from the center pile. Does the symbol on your card match one on another player's card? If so, you must quickly face-off with the other player by giving an example of the person, place, or thing on his card before he can do the same for yours. If you blurt out a correct answer first, you win his card and the drawing continues. Sounds simple, right? Wrong! Wild cards allow unlike symbols to match, increasing the number of things to which you must pay attention. Cascading face-offs can occur when you hand over a lost card, thereby revealing a new top card on your play pile.
Fast moving and hilarious, Anomia will have everyone laughing out loud while they try to beat each other to the punch!
Winner of multiple awards, including the Mensa Select Seal, ASTRA's Best Toys for Kids, Major Fun's Party and Word Games Awards, Dr. Toys Best Vacation Products, and the National Parenting Seal of Approval.
Players: 3-6
Age: 10 years +