Trybike - Steel
The first 2-in-1 tricycle balance bike made from steel makes learning to ride fun! It teaches children to ride from 18 months of age.
The first setting is the low tricycle mode which offers children lots of support. You can easily convert the tricycle to a balance bike so that the next stage of riding starts. With the unique footrest, children learn balance and consequently learn to ride a pedal bike without ever using training wheels.
Pneumatic tyres (for a smoother ride, and better grip)
12 inch spoked steel wheels with sealed smooth cartridge ball bearings
A smooth-riding experience
Seat Height: Adjustable from 30cm to 45cm.
Control disk on the rear axle for adjustable ride height and wheelbase
Weight: 6.3kg as a tricycle, 5.2kg as a bicycle
Brakes: feet (handbrakes don't work at these ages)
Unique footrest to encourage better balancing
2 stickers sheets to customise the bike design
Quick-release seat fastener
Easy to assemble and convert
Comes with a sticker sheet so you can decide on the overall look of the finished bike.
Maximum weight: 35kg
Age: 18 months +
Suitable for children from 18 months up to 6 years. Maximum rider weight 35kg.